Congratulations to the cast of Constellations!  

Congratulations to the cast of Constellations: Fiona Haque & Nic Burnham!

Both Nic and Fiona are new to BCT, as were most of the sign-ups to auditions. We were thrilled to have so much interest!

Constellations is an award-winning play by Nick Payne that follows Marianne, a physicist, and Roland, a beekeeper, who meet by chance at a barbecue. We watch their journey of life together — what it is, what it has been, and what it might be like– as the play weaves in and out of the infinite possibilities of a single relationship. We glimpse into the multiple universes that pull their lives in different directions. Boy meets girl, or doesn’t. Girl meets boy, or not. They live happily ever after, or do they? Funny, moving, and intimate, the story ultimately lifts us up by reminding us how precious any given moment can truly be. 

We are excited to bring Constellations to life on November 18 – 20, 2022 and more news about that will follow shortly.