Tickets Now Available!
Only a few tickets left for our final Snow White shows! Book Now!
Choose the date you would like to attend. The link goes to our ticketing pages on Oneplace.
Friday December 7th at 7:30pm (A Few Seats Left)
Saturday December 8th at 2:30pm* (SOLD OUT)
Saturday December 8th at 7:30pm (SOLD OUT)
Sunday December 9th at 1:30pm* (SOLD OUT)
*Matinee shows, Children 13 and under are 650 Baht.
Performance Dates Bangkok Community Theatre will be performing Snow White, in traditional British pantomime style, at Creative Industries, over 2 weekends at the end of this year (Nov 30 – Dec 2 and Dec 7 – 9).
What is Pantomime? The first thing to point out to all our non-Brit cousins from around the world is that British pantomime has nothing to do with mime. It is a chaotic and anarchic mix of fun, song, dance, bad jokes and corny acting. The story line, if we can generously grace it with such a description, usually revolves around a famous fairy story and this year’s story line will be “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.
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Performed at Creative Industries in M-Theatre