Blithe Spirit
by Noel Coward
14th – 16th and 21st – 23rd March 2013
7:30pm at The British Club
Directed by Mark Sobels
Produced by Anna Khendry
and Bonnie Zellerbach
Edith – Jenny Alexander
Ruth Condomine – Natasha Cheung
Charles Condomine – Gary Norman
Mrs. Bradman – Louise Truslow
Dr. Bradman – Paul Robere
Madame Arcati – Bonnie Zellerbach
Elvira – Lucy Ellwood-Russell
About the Show
Noel Coward wrote Blithe Spirit in just seven days “entirely to please myself” and the Condomine’s country home was based on Coward’s Goldenhurst Farm residence where ghostly apparitions were often reported. In 1941 wartime meant romantic love was everywhere whilst relationships and marriages were put under stress as partners were separated. At the same time, many loved ones were lost; so Blithe Spirit was timely when it first appeared even though there is no indication in the play that a war is going on. Though times have changed, the story of the play enthralls still, laced with Coward’s wit.
Destination Thailand did an interview with the cast of Blithe Spirit.
You can watch the video here.